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  • Writer's pictureLIAM LUCAS

Troubleshooting QuickBooks Error 12029: A Comprehensive Guide

QuickBooks, the trusted accounting software used by millions, is known for its efficiency in managing finances for businesses of all sizes. However, like any software, it's not immune to occasional errors that can disrupt your workflow. One such issue is QuickBooks Error 12029, which can be frustrating but is typically resolvable with the right steps.

Understanding QuickBooks Error 12029

QuickBooks Error 12029 is categorized as a networking error that occurs when QuickBooks fails to access the server due to a timed-out request. This error can happen for various reasons related to your internet connection, firewall settings, security software interference, or misconfigured internet settings.

Common Causes of QuickBooks Error 12029:

  • Internet Connection Issues: Slow or unstable internet connection can prevent QuickBooks from connecting to the server.

  • Firewall or Security Settings: Incorrect firewall or security software settings may block QuickBooks from accessing the internet.

  • Internet Explorer Settings: QuickBooks uses Internet Explorer settings to connect to the internet. If these settings are misconfigured, it can lead to Error 12029.

  • Network Timeout: If QuickBooks does not receive a response from the server within the expected time frame, it triggers this error.

Troubleshooting QuickBooks Error 12029

Resolving QuickBooks Error 12029 involves a systematic approach to identify and fix the underlying cause. Here are detailed troubleshooting steps to help you resolve this issue:

Step 1: Check Your Internet Connection

Ensure that your internet connection is stable and working properly. You can try accessing other websites or applications to verify this.

  • Restart your modem and router.

  • Use a wired connection instead of Wi-Fi, if possible, for better stability.

  • Contact your internet service provider (ISP) if you suspect issues with your internet connection.

Step 2: Verify Internet Explorer Settings

QuickBooks uses Internet Explorer settings even if you use a different browser. Ensure these settings are correct:

  • Open Internet Explorer.

  • Go to Tools > Internet Options.

  • Navigate to the Connections tab and click on LAN Settings.

  • Ensure that "Automatically detect settings" is checked and that "Use a proxy server for your LAN" is unchecked.

Step 3: Adjust Firewall and Security Settings

Firewall or security software settings can sometimes block QuickBooks from accessing the internet. You may need to configure exceptions for QuickBooks.

  • Check your firewall or antivirus software settings.

  • Add exceptions for QuickBooks executables (.exe files) to your firewall settings.

  • Consult your security software documentation for specific instructions on adding exceptions.

Step 4: Update QuickBooks to the Latest Release

Ensure that you are using the latest version of QuickBooks and that all updates are installed. Updates often include bug fixes and improvements that can resolve such errors.

  • Open QuickBooks and go to Help > Update QuickBooks.

  • Click on Update Now to download the latest updates.

  • After the update is complete, restart QuickBooks and check if the error persists.

Step 5: Check SSL Settings

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is crucial for secure communication over computer networks. Incorrect SSL settings can lead to connectivity issues in QuickBooks.

  • Open Internet Explorer.

  • Go to Tools > Internet Options.

  • Navigate to the Advanced tab.

  • Scroll down to the Security section and ensure that SSL 2.0 and SSL 3.0 are checked.

  • Uncheck TLS 1.2 (if checked) and leave TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 checked.

  • Click Apply and OK to save the changes.

Step 6: Perform a Clean Install of QuickBooks

If none of the above solutions work, performing a clean install of QuickBooks can help resolve underlying software conflicts.

  • Uninstall QuickBooks from your computer.

  • Download the latest version of QuickBooks from the official Intuit website.

  • Install QuickBooks using the downloaded installer.

  • Activate QuickBooks and verify if the error is resolved.


QuickBooks Error 12029 can disrupt your workday, but with the troubleshooting steps outlined above, you can resolve it efficiently. By checking your internet connection, adjusting settings, updating QuickBooks, and performing a clean install if necessary, you can overcome this error and get back to managing your finances smoothly. Remember, if you encounter persistent issues or need further assistance, reaching out to QuickBooks support or consulting with a professional may provide additional insights tailored to your specific situation. Stay proactive in maintaining your software to minimize disruptions and maximize productivity.

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